Your enrollment is complete when we have received the following:
Children may not start in our program until all of the above are completed and forms returned to the Admissions Director or the Business Office.
*By Tennessee State law, a child may not start in our program unless an immunization form is received and on file before the start date from the child's pediatrician or health department that administered the immunizations.
Families who have a medical or religious exemption for state immunizations must provide official, notarized documentation from their child's pediatrician or family physician stating medical reasons for not being immunized. Parents must complete and turn in the Religious Exemption form if they are exempt due to religious reasons.
Children entering Pre-K3 or Pre-K4 must be age 3 or age 4 on or before Aug. 15. The state of Tennessee requires that a child be age 5 on or before Aug. 15 for entry into kindergarten. Therefore, we follow in keeping that guideline for entry into Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 so that children will progress appropriately from pre-school to kindergarten without having to repeat a pre-k level unknowingly.
Children must also be completely toilet-trained to enter Pre-K3.